Welcome to Stop Selling Dreams, SSD. The Purpose of this site is to give insight on ideas, concepts and products that may seem bigger than they appear. "SSD", is also a site to make you become aware of "why something is the way it is" and to learn to NOT just accept it, but rather question what you have been taught. In other words, don't believe the hype, and do your research in order to come to your own conclusion!
http://www.stopsellingdreams.com/ is more than just a site, its a lifestyle, an interactive community and a voice for the people. Feel free to voice your opinion as I will try to make the public aware of certain "blinders" that are put over our eyes.
People that are selling dreams are usually referred to as: "Frontin, Stuntin, Lying, Selling Wolf tickets, Pump faking, False flagging, Selling Wooden Nickels, Phony, Counterfeit, Artificial, Ficticious, A Spoof, Living a Fantasy, Fabricated, Pseudo, Imitation, Bogus, Pretending, Simulated, A Sham, Imposter, Trick, Poser..." I think you get the drift...Basically, erase the layers, and remain true.
-I.$.H. aka Ivan S. Harris
Well big bro, this is my time on your website in months so I'm going to spend some time and add attributes for you. Showing some love man. Big Ups to @stopsellingdreams.