Big Papi, say it ain't so, SAY IT Ain't SO! David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez are two more names that have been added to the 2003 steroid scandal. As a journalist, I am supposed to remain objective, unbiased and behind the scenes by just reporting the news, but I can't help but think SSD! Everyone wanted to throw the book, stones and chairs at Alex Rodriguez, but what about David Ortiz? He's allegedly claiming to be "trying to figure out what went wrong." Puuh-a-lease!!!
I'm a Yankees fan so, of course I'm riding with number 13, but on the other hand, everyone makes mistakes and in 2003, I would challenge you to name a player that wasn't juicing! David Sterortiz, A-Roid and Manny Roidmerez, are all legends in our time and with or without scandal have proven that they can get the job done. I'm not saying I condone the use of steroids, but this society has put the "ju" in Jump, Justice and Judge, by picking and choosing who to condemn/ruin, who to give a pass to and who we want to see PERFORM like superheroes regardless of their faults.
My only question is, since these steroid scandal plagued names are slowly being leaked out, how many heroes will really become tarnished and how many players will just be given a pass because we really don't care about the moral factor, or their health just as long as we can see these super players hit 77 Homeruns, tackle 25 quarterbacks, jump 3 times higher than superman, and swim faster than Michael Phelps, after all aren't records meant to be broken?
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