Every once in a while, along comes a person that just inspires you to
FINALLY get off your ass and get things done. I'm not sure who did that for Amanda, but Amanda surely did that for me. I had been playing with
SSD's concept for about a good month when
@thatdudejuelz (we speak in twitter language around here kids) told me to go check out
http://www.helloamanda.com/. "
Hello Amanda" obviously is A site dedicated to Amanda's thoughts! I love it. When I saw her site, I thought, MAN, there is NO reason why
SSD shouldn't be up and running. I love her site and seeing
Hello Amanda gave me the inspiration to finally finish what I started. What's even crazier is that we have a mutual friend (one of my models) name Erin G! (HEY GIRL!!!!!) So I'm cruising through and see ONE of my random I.S.H. photos from a fun filled night
@hardrocksd I'm sure...lol talk about a small world! Anyway, thanks Amanda for the Internet push I needed! Go check her out and tell her
I.$.H. said hey!
lol I have those same shoes! ;-)