In Forever King, 50 decides to go FAR left by doing his own updated remix versions of old school R & B 90's songs like Al B Sure's I'm Dreaming And Case's Touch Me Tease Me.
Now mind you, I know that artists are supposed to grow, take risks and try new things by being able to step outside the box. I have been checking around, and a few sites have been saying that 50 Cent is back...SSD (dont believe the hype!!!!). This time, I don't think 50's far fetched attempt has succeeded.
What's interesting is I usually like 50's music, but seeing as this new school doesn't even remember half of the songs on this mixtape, I can only hope the "King's" album has a better concept of what the people want or in the immortal words of B.I.G. "50 Cent's reign on the top will be short like leprechauns."
Here is the mixtape for you:
I'll let you choose King Fifty's fate:
All Hail The King... or Dethrone him...
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