Trends, Trends, Trends. What is a trend? Do you follow trends? What's the newest trend and how long will it last. Recently President Obama was
criticized for apparently wearing
Mom Jeans to throw out the first pitch at the 2009
MLB All Star
Game. Personally, I have an issue with trends and don't care to keep up with them. Why, because it means you have to conform and follow the masses in order to be cool.
When I was about 14, the ONE and only time I tried to keep up with the Jones', or for me the Brooks was an epic fail. One of my best friends to this day, KB always had the latest and greatest of the trends. The newest video games, the newest
Jordan's, Timberland boots, first down goose
puffy coats, I mean you name it and he had it. He was one of the cool kids. I wasn't jealous, but I did indeed look up to him.
I begged my mom to buy me these specific
Jordan's and some
in style jeans, goes to show what I care now, I don't even remember what the name of the jeans were. They
aren't in style anymore anyway, TRENDS ha! Anyway, after weeks of begging, she finally caved in and bought me these jeans and shoes. I was
geeked to finally have one up on my friend KB!
So here it is, the day comes and
I'm ready to debut my new trendy style.
I'm wearing my shoes and my
kicks to school and the first thing I notice is KB has on a
NEW pair of shoes! S0 I asked him what shoes he had on and he replied, "Oh these are the new Jordan's that just came out this morning."
WTF!...so KB says to me, "Yo man, why are your jeans so TIGHT?" I didn't know what to do. Growing up TIGHT jeans was Not acceptable.
Here I am busting my butt to get these shoes and jeans which turned out to not even be the cool thing anymore. From that point on, I said I don't care about TRENDS, I'm gonna do, wear, and think HOW I want to and not care about anybody
else's trends.
Fast forward years later and KB says to me, "Hey You know I never told you this but I looked up to you." I'm like WHAT, Why? He said, "because you had the courage to be yourself at a time when it wasn't cool to stand out or do your own thing." He used to call me casual man for
getting my grown man on at age 14. ha!
So I said to him, "Man, I looked up to you and your brothers because you guys always had the hot stuff." He said, "Man, I got that stuff because I liked it, not because it was trendy. I could care less about what's
you're the one that had all the important stuff, like a car, especially a car like the
James Bond old school
Mercedes at 14! We used to all love to come over YOUR house because you had the coolest stuff at your house."
Now I really
fast forward and look at people
talking crazy because OBAMA does NOT wear skinny...wait...let's erase the hype...
SSD... TIGHT jeans! I can not see a grown man wearing tight jeans...maybe when
you're 14...but the president has other issues to deal with besides what a trend says is cool but wont be next week. Next week none of us may have a job, because Obama DID choose to go purchase some skinny jeans instead of signing a bill or doing his JOB...ha ha ha. Real talk, be true to yourself and do your own thing, this trendy thing will be out of style tomorrow anyway...what's Ed Hardy again!? HA!