To be honest, I feel like http://www.stopsellingdreams.com/ not only speaks for Ivan S. Harris the photographer, but every artist going through the trials and tribulations searching for success from that goal or dream they seek to reach.
Every once in a while, the speed bumps of life will slow you down. When that happens, its human nature for you to start second-guessing yourself.
The difference between truly successful people and those that never find the pot of gold is successful people take risks, fail, and get back up to dust themselves off and try again.
Success is a subjective state of mind because it is based off the individuals conceptual abyss of what it means to be successful.
The sad part is most people have a materialistic, media based, warped view of success including me. The truth is you shouldn't base the idea of success solely from a monetary value because there are people making millions doing something they absolutely hate doing.
Success is a state of true happiness. If you can make a penny from doing something you love and continue striving for greatness without giving up, that is the only key to open the door to the path of success.
Personally, I feel like to be happy, you have to do something that touches others while making you feel good inside as well.
You also have to think if someone wants to pay you, that means that client respects your art enough to say its valuable to them. Take that as a compliment.
Truthfully, doing something you love and getting paid anything for it is a blessing because some people have dreams that either never get started or give up on before the miracle happens.
The reason I am even writing this is because deep inside yourself (myself) you may feel you are not successful but from the outside looking in you could be viewed as great.
I had a long conversation with my cousin and we both went to college together talking about our dreams. He made me realize I am doing what I said I wanted to do and to not stop at all no matter what.
It's important to remember not to compare yourself to anyone elses progress. You don't know what they have been through to get where they are and the grass could truly be greener on the other side.
As long as you continue to strive for greatness and don't let anyone hinder you from your goals at hand, you will get to where you are going. I believe that wholeheartedly.
I haven't written a piece in a long time and I was inspired by a new freestyle from Drake... I know you're probably saying, "Oh no, not this guy Drake again." As I said before, I relate to Drake's music.
This piece is as Jay-Z would say, just my thoughts man, right or wrong, just what I was feeling at the time." And in my heart, I have a voice that must be heard and a talent that must be exposed.
Drake - 9am Freestyle in Dallas
7:07 Pm Self Motivation...
Set a goal for yourself, don't let anyone tell you different. Make sure you keep it moving when the haters try to tip it.
The bandwagon that is, charge more now you're significant. When your stock rises everyone will try to jump ship.
No one at the bottom now they want to ride for free but didn't help you build the arc so now they pay a fee. Where were they at before?
Remember they thought you were small timin', so for now keep grinding until you're dying. There's always better so you might as well keep trying.
Hold on for dear life, just know your soul's limit. It's only smart to continue if your heart stays in it.
Don't look back just keep pushing, move it forward, positive is your only gimmick. Stand true to your morals never get stuck in the dark. This art vs commerce is a battle very strong.
Remember the people that inspired you keep that in mind it won't take you long. Success will find you, so be prepared to coast, its not work if you do what you absolutely love the most.
Take a look back at your timeline and tell me you want to quit? That would be dumb, your resume is already way too thick.
It's too late to turn back now, so what are you going to do?
Pack up your bags and go back to being regular? That job as a teller doesn't sound to stellar. So get back on your horse and ride it till the end. You were meant to be here, now show the world no fear. And tell that doubting Thomas to shine your shoes and pick up those bags in the rear. -I.$.H.
Just a little self motivation for everyone. I write to inspire myself as well as other that choose to follow their dreams.
By the way, remind me to tell you the story about the picture of the Hollywood sign that I climbed the mountain to take. Hmmmm, dedication is a motha...
*Drake - 9Am freestyle in Dallas courtesy of http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/
*Thanks To Cousin Mike Knight for the talk.
*Thanks to Cheryl for taking me to see the sign.
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