The way I see it is simple. Obama did exactly what he said he would do, which is get the health care reform issue signed into a bill from Congress. We as a country voted for him to do it and he delivered.
What does that mean exactly? It means that America can once again be considered a super power seeing as other countries have provided health care for their citizens for years.
What the future holds now, I have no idea, but at least we can rest knowing that all US Citizens can have affordable health care.
I do have to do more research of what this means to have affordable health care because I remember having affordable health care but actually being IN THE HOSPITAL when my insurance cancelled on me. Which is another issue Obama has discussed.
I mean for real, I paid my premium and they didn't hold up their end of the bargain. WHAT!!!? Sorry, side vent.
Anyway, congrats to President Obama for realizing yet ANOTHER dream come true. Mr. Pres should be an inspiration to people all over the world consistently overcoming obstacles to achieve his goals.
Forgive me for gloating, but I'm PROUD to be from Chicagoland area... JOLIET!!!!...
I leave you with a clip that should remind you all that people from the "cold windy Chi-City" ARE who you Thought WE are! The ISH!!!!!
"If you want to crown him then crown him, but he is who we thought he was..."
Remember to always believe in yourself no matter what!
Have a great day everyone. Keep ya swag turned on!
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