Since I am an artist, my mind becomes scattered with chaos, madness, clutter and perfection. An oxymoron? Yes, I know. And until I finish my memoirs book, which may be never, I have no outlet to expose my work.
So every once in a while I will post the work here on SSD!
I decided to post "Epidemic" because I actually love this photo and it matches the feeling that a lot of my actual women friends have been sharing with me as of late. (Why? I have no idea, but If I can help someone out then my job is done.)
The whole idea about women not settling, but accepting wine, a good book and alone time as being better than true companionship is just crazy to me.
Obviously, no one wants to deal with the hassles of relationships but at the same time, spending every Saturday night being alone becomes redundant as well. This is why I was inspired to write Epidemic. Thanks to Michael Lee of A Style Concierge for the talk. I will channel all of my artistry through SSD. So check it out...
Inspired and career motivated, she often spends late nights alone. No man is on the same level and it seems to be easier being alone…or so she thinks. After a long day, she sips some pinot while reading a great book, when suddenly the tingle sneaks up. Aroused, she’s ready to touch the sacred erogenous zone.
Thinking no one is around, she quickly takes a second look. That sweet spot she searches to find holds the key to the exit called ecstasy, but wait, its taboo and too private to discuss here, but just for a moment I want to.
Knowing that no one is home, all too often a woman’s desire goes unfulfilled and it’s a shame. The female body is a crown jewel that needs to be cherished. Every curve, every nerve and every inch of her body should be caressed by someone that genuinely cares. But being vulnerable, she ends up settling for something that’s usually 1 and done.
This epidemic in her life causes pandemonium and at the very first sense of triumph she pounces before she thoroughly researches her prey. Like a tigress in heat, she claws, rips and tears, lusting of the flesh. She finds herself hungry for more, unsatisfied because the emotional soul attachment wasn’t there.
I must say, a woman not finding true passion is an epidemic and the art of multiple orgasms her girlfriends have bragged about is a challenge that most men have not been able to conquer.
Even though she’d rather go backwards then to put a new notch on the belt, she still wonders, why settle? She remembers a happier time with him. But there was no inner peace while waiting patiently, wondering when he would turn up.
That last guy is why she chose to be single, at least that’s what she tells herself. “That’s what this book, my secret friend hidden in the dresser and my favorite wine is for, right?”
After all the games played in the past, she decided no mans touch was good enough…or so she believes. Most guys don’t appreciate it, but to her it’s an honor for any man to touch her. For her, it’s not about just 1 time, mind blowing excitement, and surely the headache of dealing with another too-good-gone-bad relationship is not an option either.
So a deeper thought takes her into women’s liberation. She wants to release the day’s tension. It’s dark and late, so why can’t she express her love for self?
She has a lust for life, seeking more, needing more, wanting more, but who can give it to her?
She has a lust for life, seeking more, needing more, wanting more, but who can give it to her?
Where can she turn to fulfill her desires? This great book, her secret friend hidden in the dresser and favorite wine always appear to come in handy. Looks can be deceiving and nothing compares to that of actual great company, true intellectual stimulation and a good stiff…drink.
So how does she cure this epidemic because eventually late nights alone with the book become redundant? The answer is within soul searching after certain fulfilled self-indulged pleasure.
Settling for less is what got her here in the first place, so she spends long nights alone. After so long, the nights eventually become longer, her favorite wine finishes quicker and the book’s pleasant ending comes faster.
Although the thought of self pleasure brings out the affectionate face, the face of relief, the face of climax, the same face finally determines “I don’t want to do THIS alone anymore.”
So to deal, she stays busy, stays active and keeps a clear, focused mindset. That is until that lonely instant again when the new guy walks by giving her a second notice. Lonesome, she questions whether to strike or fall back?
Smarter from the last acquaintance, she has the will power, time, and knowledge to do the right thing by figuring out her new found options first before digressing to tigress mode.
She figures the key to solving her epidemic this time around is to not play games, be aware of her feelings and decipher whether the new guy is a reliable source of emotional stability for her.
She has to make sure this new guy has had his play time before her and is now ready to put in work with a true partner.
To be honest, the perfect cure to the epidemic is for her to take things slow with someone new, and realize her worth before she just gets it in with any ole particular guy. She finally learns that there are no substitutes and that her book is not a good look, because ultimately she is STILL settling.
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