Each day, God/The universe/"they"/life/ or whoever, gives you a basket of lemons to start with and its your job to figure out what to do with those lemons. Some might have the audacity to complain by saying, "why didn't I get a basket of apples or oranges" but I say in this life be happy that you are getting anything at all because truthfully there are four types of scenarios that can happen when it comes to this thing we call life or in this case, having these lemons.
First case scenario, some people will get this basket and continue to live a sour and meaningless existence, accepting life just as it is, meaning they eat the lemons just as they are without trying to change or adapt to them.
Scenario 2 would be other people will slice the lemons to make ice water with a slight flavor of lemon, meaning they may just be content with their life as long as they can dibble in a flavorful existence once in a while without having to do too much extra curricular activity and continue on by only maintaining in their comfort zone.
Scenario 3 would be a person chooses to take that Iced water with lemon, add sugar and make lemonade. Although you do put in a lot of work to make yourself happy, something on the inside just doesn't feel right because you are consumed with selfish intentions to be happy while knowing something or someone is missing.
Scenario 4 is to take that lemonade you make and offer it to other people meaning you share your happiness with others, whether it be for a profit or just because you want to share your ideas and gifts with the world.
Stop Selling Dreams is a site much like life scenario 4, I have certain jewels that I am continuously picking up along my quest to become the next
Gordon Parks,
Ansel Adams and
Annie Leibovitz so I feel the need to share my stories, beliefs and findings with people so they don't have to make the same mistakes that I make along my journey.
Every day you have challenging life scenarios brought to you that can change the comfort level you are used to, but its up to you to decide what your reaction will be and how you deal with these setbacks.
I am a Scorpio which means, at times I can wear my emotions on my sleeve, but I can also at any time cover my sleeve up with a jacket as well. I feel the need to share in this particular case because I am again at a crossroad and need to write as a way to release in order to read and comprehend as and for advice to myself (if that makes any sense).
I just found out my Father's Father just passed away. My grandfather "Slack" Harris. I am hurting right now, but not in the typical, emotional way you would think but more as a vulnerable, don't-know-how-to-feel type of way.
I am not looking for sympathy, empathy or anything of the sort, but what I am looking for is motivation. Motivation to keep going, knowing that eventually we all must die and everything we think is important really is not and everything that we think is not important really is. Basically reevaluating my life's goals, values and beliefs.
Without going to deep into the situation, I am My father and he is his father which makes me my grandfather and knowing that it makes it hard to function with one another because, in a sense, I talk to a mirror when certain scenarios arise.
Although I have experienced death and it hurts for sure, it wasn't until yesterday, that I only had two people CLOSE to me pass away and now with my grandfather this would make three.
During the first two hard times, there were certain songs that were intertwined with this particular period. My mothers father passed when I was 15 and at the time
Bone Thugs - Crossroads was the song of the time. Forever I have that song to bring me back to May 18Th 1996. The second was my Mother's Mother February 1st 2008 in which
Justin Timberlake - Until The End Of Time featuring Beyonce has become a time portal to that day.
Now, October 19Th will always be linked to
Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody, because at this point in time I could really use somebody, but the question is for what? An ear, support, a shoulder, or just to not be alone? These 3 songs serve as a time machine, a portrait and a pressure release valve for 3 very important people in my life.
Listening to Kings Of Leon on repeat makes me realize this is one of those situations where I have to figure out what to do with this basket of lemons I have. I have been down this road before, and actually you would think it would be easier to deal with because I have experienced the death of a close loved one previously, but since I do in fact know what to expect, it makes it even harder because I know what the pain feels like and I know what emotional roller coaster ride feels like that I am about to embrace.
I can honestly tell you, last night I was already upset about the Yankees AND Chargers losing clutch games and right as these so called "tragic moments" unveiled was the same time I got the call about my grandfather. At that moment, my thought process of "everything" changed, including life goals.
Right now as I wake up realizing last night was not a dream, I am emotionless, non-energetic, unmotivated, and just not compelled to do anything, including not wanting to be lazy. Which is the reason why I feel the need to share that I don't know how to feel because it feels like nothing matters and I have to re access my life's direction.
This is the worse way to feel because misguided energy can be the worst energy ever. To that thought, to you and for me, I say, "keep going!" Find the motivation you need to continue on your journey. No matter what, find it, take some time, breathe deeply and find your motivation. Don't let the loss stop your journey.
To sum it up, I will definitely say what a difference a day makes. Yesterday morning I woke up with that basket of lemons stressing about my own
personal daily woes and had to use a song from
Young Jeezy - Don't Worry (I Got This) to get my day started and today I woke up with Kings Of Leon on the brain because I really could Use Somebody.
Whichever life scenario you choose to live, the most important thing to remember is to make sure you have someone there that can help you through your trials and tribulations and also to make sure you tell them you appreciate them for being there, because at any moment they could be gone.