Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paranormal Activity...I wonder...

Hype. Marketing. Buzz. These are all terms I'm sure we are familiar with. If you are a owner of a product, business or you are a "talent" and don't have one or all of those things, you could potentially be considered just an amateur, but with talent, a killer marketing team, hype and a street buzz even if you are a no talent worthless bum, you can still be successful because with proper marketing, you can promote crap and still make it a hit.

This is the exact reason for, to erase the hype about something and uncover the actual truth if this "something" is worthy of all the accolades.

Alright Kids, today's hyped up product was the alleged scary movie Paranormal Activity. For about a week straight, I had been hearing people talk about how scary this movie was. That only can mean one thing, Research Time!!!!!! I love this site because it gives me a reason to enjoy work by researching pleasure.

I went to finally go see this movie after about another week of trying to round up the troops brave enough to encounter this phenomenon, if its that scary I wasn't going to go alone, who goes to the movies alone anyway? What's funny is the movie takes place in San Diego, so that made me more excited to go see it.

Without giving to much away, the movie did indeed have "creepy" parts but for all the Internet buzz and street talk it recieved about how scary it was, after going to see it, I was less than pleased. I am not hating at all, there were times in the movie where I was like, Awww heck naw, that's some madness right there!

(Translation: I'm jumpy, but I'm still cool and I hope no one noticed me fidget because it didn't last that long anyway).

Overall to be like wow this movie is soooooo scary, I don't necessarily agree with.

I DO think you should go see it for yourself, I will give it that, but I wasn't just scared the whole time. I can't think of a movie which had me like that in a long time.

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