"Whoooo, to Be the man, You have to Beat the man, Whoooo!" I believe he was right! You can't earn respect as a world champion without beating the champion.
In sports, obviously the competition is elite and as you climb the ladder of success, the competition continues to get faster, harder and stronger. And speaking of competition, its that time again for the World Series Championship of Baseball.
The 2009 World Series is what sports legends are made of. The Philadelphia Phillies return to the world series to defend their championship against the New York Yankees, the all time most winning ball club in sports history. As a kid in little league, this is the exact stage you would strive to reach for.
The irony of this years world series is people always comment about flukes and whether or not someone has earned their championship, or they didn't actually beat the reigning champions, (cough cough hence Michael Jordan retiring and THEN Kobe's Lakers win back to back titles, BUT he never beat the Bulls for those titles! Or... a healthy Kevin Garnett with the Celtics for that matter, HA) but seriously, this year the 2009 Baseball title will be undisputed.
New York had the best record in baseball this season and the Phillies actually RETURN to the world series to defend their title. For once, the two best teams are going head to head for the championship in a winner-take-all fight to the finish. I will have my popcorn for sure. All I have to say is...may the best team win.
(In Darth Vader Voice) The Empire Strikes Back!
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