But on the same hand, I will also admit that Blackberry is just as good of a device.
Obviously, there will always be pros and cons to each device and I really don't want to get into this Coke, Pepsi, iPhone, Blackberry, Mac, PC and Canon or Nikon debate right now. All of these products are superior and it really is to each his own or else these products wouldn't be a part of fortune 500 companies.
Hey, this site is dedicated to erasing the hype so I won't hype any of them up. I will say that Blackberry finally getting Adobe flash will definitely give an edge to RIM up on the wireless battle for supremacy. Believe me when this happens, I will be the first person streaming imeem, as well as a few other "flash" sites from my blackberry! Ha...
Check out more info on Pocketberry...
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