will the rainstorms ever end?/
Still I feel my…. path narrow/
Oh, I run again/
See happiness is gone again…”
Kid Cudi: “Sky Might Fall”
The reason why I have such a passion and thirst for lyrically captivating music is quite simply because even when you’re having a horrible day, week, month, or even year, a truly talented artist will inspire you to keep your head up and stay on the grind.
Lately, I’ve been dealing with a lot of internal issues that have been tugging on my heart’s strings, I’ve been battling demons of year’s past, and I’ve sought remedy to these problems through uplifting music.
People who I could’ve sworn were my “friends” have stabbed me in the back and purposely betrayed me, my father passed away recently, and it almost feels as if the whole world is out to get me at times, or maybe I just have a flair for the dramatic?
Whatever the case, Kid Cudi’s “Sky Might Fall” off his album “Man On The Moon: End of Day,” has honestly helped me from falling deeper into contemplation of the “Why Me?” state of mind and has helped me cope with these obstacles, man up, and face them ,rather than fleeing from them, which the younger, unpolished me, would’ve done.
The track basically summarizes the day- to- day struggles we all have faced before and the chorus isn’t the most complex, but definitely gets the point across.
“The sky might fall, but I’m not worried at all.” – Cudi sings on the hook
Point blank and simple, when it rains it pours, but you absolutely have to keep your chin up and stay focused. People will constantly try to deter or derail your dreams, it’s your decision whether you want them to succeed or if you’re going stand up for yourself and fight fire with fire.
Bob Marley once said:
“Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you’ve just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”
I can’t think of a better quote than this at the time to put all these obstacles I’m facing in perspective. My true friends and family know I’ll fight for them until the bitter end, that’s just the kind of guy that I am.
The day that I can no longer fight for my loved ones or myself is the day that I no longer belong on this earth, so the sky might fall, but I sure as hell am not worried at all. Mad props to Kid Cudi, awesome track, keep it coming my man.
I love this Article. Has so much heart and truth to the meaning of the song.