I know you have seen the "feed the models" campaign? Or what about the "don't wear fur" campaign? How about the push to "stop eating meat"?
You can't forget the "Stop The H8" campaign, (but really someone has to be the hater, or there will be no motivation to succeed).
Then there is the "Stop Snitching" campaign (I know it sounds bad, but someone HAS to be the informant, or maybe your family member may never get justice).
Of course you have the political "get out and vote" campaign which then puts you in yet another fork in the road by now having to process whether to choose between the Democratic, Republican, or a non-partisan campaign, but I won't go there.
There's always the consumer race for product supremacy campaign such as deciding between Coke, Pepsi, Blackberry, iPhone and then Canon or Nikon. But any intelligent person knows that all of these choices are determined by personal preference.
I can even go as far as the civil rights campaign, being pro-Choice or pro-life, & then the gay marriage campaign. But once again, I won't go there either. As you can see, these campaigns are very touchy subjects to say the least.
There are 2 things, particularly in Southern California, that people do, generally speaking, on a regular. One thing is, SoCal peeps go to Vegas like going to get the mail. And the other thing is, its amazing how people just flake out on plans as easily as drinking bottled water.
Well today is the day. I just can't take it any more. Something has to be said.
(*sidnenote, this specific entry has been building up in my mind and today was the last straw because I thought I might have been flaked on for a friendly trip to Joe's Crab Shack. You can't play with peoples food, man! This site is to teach and encourage rather than to be negative, so I won't put anyone on blast perse, luckily the person texted me as I was proofreading, steam crab bucket on! ha..)
Anyway, of course I know I would be the one selling dreams if I said this flaking phenomenon only occurs in SoCal. That would just be dumb, but come one #letsbehonest, SoCal is stereotypically known for flaky people across the board.
To keep it up front and "real", out of all the places I have ever been, SoCal is the place I have experienced this "disease" the most and I feel it REALLY needs to be addressed! Why? Because now I think people do it unconsciously simply since it has never been addressed in a campaign.
If @iamdiddy can do a "Vote Or Die" campaign, I'm sure I can do a "Stop Flaking" campaign, I mean come on, this is more important than voting, wearing fur, or feeding models, because it effects all walks of life equally!
I believe everyone has been flaked on, and I think at least once in your life you have flaked on someone. So we have to become conscious of the situation at hand.
To explain a little further, there are somethings in life you just shouldn't sell even your worst enemy dreams on or flake on. For instance, if you promise your best friend you will buy him apparel from his newly crowned championship winning sports team, and flake on that, that's a NO!
If you meet someone (intimately or business orientated) and you tell them you will call when you have NO intention of ever calling or answering the phone what so ever, that's a NO!
If you tell someone "let's do lunch" and you really don't plan to, that's a definite NO plus NO! I already said you can't play with people's food, man!
If you promise that "artist's big break" through a modeling/photography/acting/recording contract knowing damn well you can't, these actions should require the person to be hanged as punishment! HA!
Seriously, flaking, selling dreams, or giving false hope is a serious disease and needs to be treated, immediately. This is my new campaign. STOP flaking!
The urban dictionary's definition of flaking (flaking out) is to cancel previously agreed upon plans last minute, or simply not show up. I say, at least if you call to cancel, that's better than not showing up.
Obviously, emergencies and situations happen, but to just not answer the phone and not follow up either, once again is an action that the penalty should be something gruesome.
I don't think anyone wants to be categorized as a "flake" and its really simple to exercise common courtesy with the person as opposed to just leaving them high and dry.
With the right support, I feel this campaign can work because everyone can relate to being flaked on and I think we can all agree that the feeling is not really cool.
Women, Men, Straight, Gay, Black, White, I mean every human being should make a conscious effort to remain true to plans and call people out if they are repeatedly found guilty of this heinous crime.
If you can relate to someone flaking on you, I think you should take a stand. I know there will be exceptions, and I'm not saying we should go on a Salem witch hunt for flaky people, but seriously, if the shoe fits...