At one point in time we have been guilty of judging friends and foes for living their life. On the other hand, we have been judged for living our lives as well. The truth is we all make mistakes, decisions and choices that others may deem to be not suitable for our lives. In reality, each person has to walk their own path and in the end only you can decide what is best for you.
In King James's latest Nike commercial, he pokes fun at the public opinion of what others think he should do now that he has made his decision to be traded to the Miami Heat. Some suggestions LBJ discussed included acting, and playing the bad guy.
This commercial stands out to me personally, because I have been dealing with some issues myself. As an artist building a network/business and being an all around sociable person, I constantly wonder what people really think about me.
As I watch this commercial, I realize two things: One, I can't help but realize other people's perception of me will always vary regardless of what I do or don't do. I really have no control of what others think of me, so I might as well be happy being me.
Two, wondering what others think of you is really a rhetorical question because its rare that someone will actually tell you their true thoughts. You will usually be left wondering what's up.
Either way its a losing battle, and useless to care because you'll never know the real answer. I can only imagine being in Lebron's shoes, but it seems he has come to the same realization hence making this commercial.
To be honest, there is always going to be someone saying something so like Rihanna says "just live ya life!"
Anyway, check out the latest King LBJ video and as always, leave your thoughts.
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