Recently, First Lady Michelle Obama was spotted wearing shorts which apparently may or may not have been too short for some people depending on who was viewing.
I do have to mention that no matter who you are, if you are in the number 1 spot, you are a target and scrutinized for every little thing you do, so being the first lady, Mrs. Obama pretty much was an open target. In the past, most First Lady's have not been viewed as younger, beautiful women, but older, more mature, motherly... some even grandmotherly types. `HEY, this site is called stop selling dreams for a reason, where we call a spade a spade!
I could see you having a fit about your grandmother wearing short shorts, but what about younger mothers with youth and flair, are they supposed to wear turtle necks now because they have children. I'm not saying they should go out and wear tacky, tasteless outfits but let's be real, we are talking about shorts in the dead heat of a desert, humid summer! It just seems like the media is reaching for any type of news to post these days.
I guess it was cool for the Nair Promo Models to use the product and show their legs but if the first lady shows her legs off especially since it was in the hot, humid desert, national security is in an uproar. To be honest with you, I don't think its a problem. It is 2009 and believe me from this picture, I can truly say that I have definitely seen shorter shorts than these that still exude good taste.
Years ago, for a woman to show an abundant amount of skin was an unacceptable feat regardless of her age. But now, I think the country is evolving into a younger, cooler, society hopefully becoming less judgemental. My hope is that we will stop viewing our future first lady's less as "old maids" but more as respectable, beautiful, independent women not ashamed to show off their inner and outer beauty. Maaaaan, SSD! Really, the shorts aren't even that short...
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