No US Little League team has beaten another country in the last umpteen years. I'm not stat checking here, I am making a point. These kids had talent, the will to survive and the beliefs that they could actually do something they set out to do which was win the World Series Little League championship.
You could see early in the game when Chula Vista was down 0-3, Kiko Garcia was on the mound against Taiwan's best batter with some doubt in his eyes, but once he struck their all star player out, it was money in the bag! Confidence is everything, right? Believe in yourself. As @iamdiddy tweets consistently, GO BE GREAT!
Too many times as adults we lose the love that we had in the beginning for our respective passion because we get caught up in life. Bills, Money, Spouse, family and well life. These kids had passion and all they had to do was practice, eat their vitamins, say their prayers and believe in themselves, just like Hulkamania taught us.
I think we need to all take a lesson from Hulkamania and the Chula Vista Little League World Series Champions and once again regain our passion for life and not just walk like zombies in the Mill. I think them winning not just for Chula Vista (San Diego) but also USA proves that we can all be champions if we lift our heads up, believe in ourselves and stick our chest out!
Now, if we could get the OTHER San Diego powder blue team to win, we would REALLY have some celebrating to do. Sometimes it takes the kid in us to bring out the BEAST!
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