Wednesday, December 28, 2011
It's All About The Art
People make mistakes. People aren't perfect. People will let you down. I mean these are things we all should know by now coming to the end of 2011.
What people may not realize is at times when we do fall, the human spirit resides in such a resilient place that as long as you have the will and desire to succeed, you will.
The truth is, when you make mistake, the best thing to do is to forget all other distractions and get back to the grind that got you to the top in the first place.
For T.I., redemption island lies within his determination to continue making great music.
TIP is already to a great start aligning himself with the likes of Dr. Dre for his new mixtape dropping New Years Day.
Can't Wait.
Monday, December 26, 2011
AJ Smith... -____-
As a San Diego Charger fan, I am happy for any former Charger players that find success with other teams.
Furthermore, Charger Management should take notes from the New Orleans Saints. And every other team should take notes from Charger Management for what NOT to do.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Lloyd - Be The One ft. Trey Songz & Young Jeezy (Official Video)
First, Rihanna drops her You Da One video and now we have Lloyd's new visuals for his latest single Be The One featuring Trey Songz and Young Jeezy hitting the scene.
Lloyd singing the hook "Girl I wanna be the one to kiss you goodnight" most definitely solidifies this as a hot song to go right along with a cold night.
If you haven't done so yet, grab a winter snuggle buddy and cop that King Of Hearts while you both decide if the album is definitely something to _______ over.
I'm sure you and your snuggle partner can find something to fill in the blank with.
Rihanna - You Da One (Official Video)
To be honest, I am wondering if she can stop. A lot of times when an artist takes a trip on the success train, the ride becomes addictive.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Food For Thought: Are You Really "Grinding"?
Seriously, I think is is so frustrating to leave, go to work, come home, eat a sandwich, find business elsewhere and live life outside of your couch only to eventually come back to find that the same set of movies are showing just like when you left as if you pushed pause or something.
I figure after the free trial expires why would anyone continue to pay to see the same 8 movies? Without going off tangent, seeing or hearing the same rotation all day and night sounds like listening to radio.
The irony of his 1991 break out role was that he played Gator the crackhead brother of Wesley Snipes character Flipper in Spike Lee's film Jungle Fever.
Without preaching or pointing fingers at anyone specifically myself, I am simply saying most people would not make it half way to Samuel L. Jackson's success level. To those that did reach some success would probably bow out once they got to Jackson's mid-range success point stating they have done it all.
Samuel L. Jackson is one of the most famous, successful and revered actors of our time. Jackson is also by Guinness Book Of World Records stats the highest grossing actor of all time, which without question is an awesome feat by any standard. Still Mr. Jackson continues to work hard and deliver quality projects.
I have stated time and time again, finding great motivation can be the single difference between success and failure and of course we should all know there is always something else you can do and do better.
Samuel L. Jackson is and has been grinding, so the real question is what is "y/our" hold up?
Drake - The Motto ft. Lil Wayne & Tyga (Official Video)
Drake ~ The Motto Featuring Lil Wayne & Tyga (Official Video) from OctobersVeryOwn on Vimeo.
Drake, Lil Wayne And Tyga flew to the YAY Areaaaa to film Drake's latest single from his platinum selling sophomore album Take Care in ode to Mac Dre and The Bay Area Sound.
Speaking of Bay Area influence, if you look closely, you can see Lil Wayne ghost riding his whip.
Truthfully, I am big on credibility so of course I love the fact that Drake actually went to film in San Francisco. I also respect that he has Mac Dre's Mom and Bay Area legendary rapper E-40 signing off on their stamp of approval of the video/track via cameo.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Big Sean Afterparty in San Diego
Big Sean of GOOD Music stopped through Belo San Diego nightclub recently after his Jingle Jam 2011 concert and what an after-party it was.
Chris Jones Presents, Calderon Productions and Z90.3 FM put on the official Jingle Jam After-party with Big Sean hosting and performing along with a special guest performance from new coming sensation T. Mills.
New Boyz and Flo Rida, who also performed at Jingle Jam 2011, came through the after-party to show love.
Ivan S. Harris Photography had all access to the after-party capturing T. Mills's opening act. T. Mills who is also gaining notoriety didn't disappoint showing he can rock a crowd like the big boys.
Later on the headliner, Big Sean who was feeling the audiences energy performed 3 songs including his hit singles I Do It and Dance: A$$, to a sold out crowd most definitely rocking the show.
Make sure you check out the entire photo set HERE.
50 Cent - Wait Until Tonight (Official Video)

For a long time I felt that "blogging", like everything else, had become a commercialized mainstream entity of people trying to write to make a quick buck.
When I think of blogging in today's world, I think of an entity commoditizing on the next big thing instead of the simplicity of a writer writing about an appreciation for something that he/she finds value in, no matter what the value is.
The truth is, I stopped updating because I didn't and still don't want to compete with other sites for the same 8 fluff stories in order to make a dollar.
I definitely don't want to base my website traffic and revenue off of Kim Kardashian's life which is what most blogs seem to do.
So now, what I'm gonna do is Blog what The HELL I want to no matter what the popular masses ask for.
I feel like this is a perfect time to revive
And speaking of come backs, it seems 50 Cent has come back with a new banger, so the correlation has made me think can also bounce back.
With that said, 50 Cent has not been relevant for some time, but he is still a force and is still Ferrari Filthy Rich 50! Of course when one builds a successful brand, one can always come back as long as that person has the passion, perseverance and desire as well as the courage to stick to what made that person become successful.
Although this new cut is nothing new seeing as everyone including K-Ci from Jodeci and even Ja Rule have previously sampled Bobby Womack's If You Think Youre Lonely Now, "Ferrari's" new twist (Nothing is new under the sun) on this old jam is just that 2012 flavor that 50 needs.
I'm digging this song, and apparently the masses do too which has lead Fif to create visuals for his track "Wait Until Tonight" from his latest "the Big 10" Mixtape.
Check it out, leave your thoughts! Oh and yes...just like 50, is BACK!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sratching My Head...

In the 90's (i.e. the golden era of Urban Music) I think we can all agree Steve Urkel was a nerd. He was so smart but had no social skills and was not accepted by his peers.
Steve's genius was such that, he eventually figured out a way to tweak his own DNA to create Stephan Urkel, the exact opposite, charming, sophisticated self that ladies loved and fellas respected.
As I look at my life, I realize I am getting older because I am beginning to view today's younger generation the same way my father viewed my generation and my grandfather viewded my father's generation: Dazed And Confused.
The truth is eventually we all have to grow up live our own lives not for someone else but for ourselves.
At one point in my youth I looked like Steve, Glasses, Braces and everything by society's standards to be a nerd. Of course It didn't help I was smart and in advanced classes.
I remember trying to keep up with the Jones' one time only to learn a simple lesson: never again. I'm Ivan S. Harris The ISH.
As I look now, 15 years later, I want to tell everyone to be themselves, because you never know if someones gonna copy your style 15 years later.
Be You.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
OTIS Video - Jay Z and Kanye West

Blow My High Video Premiere - K Street
Some of the most memorable and successful music videos haven’t involved luxurious cars, cruise ships, and expensive jewelry, but rather a deeper look into an artist’s personal life.
K Street’s new video for his hit single “Blow My High” achieves just that as the Boston bred emcee brings viewers back to a mid 90s type of vibe with shots of his illustrious city and scenes of him and fellow DC FAM member Suits the Role Model laying down their lyrics in the studio,.
Add to the video a young version of K Street listening to tracks as a child, then fast forward to a scene with the present day artist getting ready to record his next hit and you have the perfect recipe for proving to Nas another reason why Hip Hop is far from dead.
“Blow My High” is a dynamic track that showcases the upcoming artist’s versatile flow and is bound to be the next feel good jam of the summer out in Boston, so Jammin' 94.5 DJ's better have their rotations ready.
The fast paced rhythm of the song compliments K Street’s creative punch lines and charismatic delivery to perfection, as he breezes over the beat, delivering elaborate prophecies of him conquering the rap game with a Jay Z -like hustler’s aura surrounding him.
K Street’s major inspiration for this hit single was his struggle with bridging the gap between pop and hip-hop without losing his cherished street savvy.
However, don’t you dare make the mistake of trying to call it “hip pop.”
The single has already captured the ears of clubbers and street hustlers alike, while allowing DC FAM’s prodigal son to stay true to himself and his urban persona at the same time.
“Blow My High” further proves that nobody, haters and executives alike, will ever blow K’s musical high or shine.
Call his style on the track suede, because the ambitious rapper has already mastered what most rappers refer to as swagger.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
In OMG News...
To Each Their Own? Your Thoughts On this song... #discuss
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Take A Second for Good Music...

It always amazes me to see the commonalities as well as differences among people raised in different parts of the country. Right when you think someone is very different, you find they have many similarities to you. Of course the differences will lurk but many times the similarities will bring you closer.
Music has that same type of connection to people that people have with each other. People from different areas tend to like different types of music but when the music is Good, this is when it becomes truly universal. Just like characteristics and traits of the human spirit, music takes on a persona that clashes with some but meshes perfectly with others.
My background is the Midwest, Joliet, Illinois to be exact, a city 30 minutes south of Chicago. Even within our small community we have differences from Chicagoans but tend to have more similarities. And the music is still universal.
My whole purpose for this article is to illustrate how great music touches everyone regardless of where a person is from. Its no secret, I have deep-rooted Chicago music roots proudly stemming from the midwest and with artists like Chaka Khan, Carl Thomas, R. Kelly, Common, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco and Twista to name a few, its safe to say I have been brought up on a strong Chicago Home based foundation.
Most times a song plays for its origins in its own region first and then typically spreads around to other regions of the country. That's usually why you hear an artist from your hometown bumping the song for months or YEARS and then it hits the radio and the rest of the world embraces the song that you've already been loving/hearing for the last 2 years.
For me, growing up in the Chicagoland area, we used to listen and love all kinds of Chi-Town artists for years to the point they could do no wrong before they hit the masses. I'm sure other regions experienced this as well.
To my surprise, many people all over the world share my love for Chicago based music as if they were born in Illinois too. Some may proclaim they love it even more (I doubt it but welcome the love either way).
I actually was curious as to what my favorite artists resumes contained and found that my favorite Chicago Based Producers have been very successful and their sound has traveled throughout the country expanding into all types of genres of music.
Like I said, Good Music Is universal.
Check out my 3 Favorite Chicago Producers production discographys. Once you read the production credits you'll say the same thing I said...
...DAMNNN, he made that!?? Yup!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Rio - I'm So Fresh feat E-40 & Tommy Redding (Official Video)
Rio - I'm So Fresh Feat E-40 & Tommy Redding.
It's time to work!
Drake - Marvin's Room (Official Video)
Drake ~ Marvins Room (Official Video) from OctobersVeryOwn on Vimeo.
So it seems people have mixed reviews about this video, but I actually think it goes with the song. You be the judge.
Blackberry Playbook

By now I believe it should be public record that Ivan S. Harris is #teamblackberry to the heart. With that being said, for my loyalty, RIM, the company that produces Blackberry, has given me the privilege to test out and keep my very own Blackberry Playbook tablet.
One word...Amazing. Of course being that the Playbook is a Blackberry produced tablet, I carry a little bias by possessing the "keep it in the family syndrome". Although another brand tablet would be cool to use, the fact that I do have a Blackberry and can "bridge" my cell phone device to the Playbook which makes for a crackberry on steroids, I find this to be an amazing connection between smartphone and tablet.
The truth is this is a very good professional grade tablet and any Blackberry user will love the enhancements because with the Playbook being bridged to a Blackberry device you are pretty much put on the same playing field with those devices comparable to both the Droid and iphone OS platforms.
I really can't go anywhere without my Playbook and each day I find something new that I love. After 2 weeks of using the Playbook continuously, I am definitely satisfied with the first generation Blackberry Playbook Tablet and will recommend it to everyone!
Obviously with any first generation product there are bugs, quirks and other things that I feel could make the playbook better. First thing is making the bridging faster. I love the fact that the Playbook reads your Blackberry device transferring all data, calendar, memos and other phone items directly to the tablet.
If there is no wifi available the Playbook can surf the internet via your Blackberry’s browser while using your cell phone data usage but I have noticed when you do bridge with Browsers it freezes up the phone so be sure to stop all apps on your Blackberry during your Playbook browsing session.
This browser bridging is however different from tethering as there is no direct internet, wifi or modem connection but being able to use your Playbook as a “monitor” for your “Blackberry browser” in the middle of a no wifi zone is pretty cool.
One thing I have found to be frustrating is the landscape to vertical frame change lags dramatically especially while in camera mode or when viewing pictures the landscape won't turn to portrait at all. The transition is not smooth and the lag going back and forth can make it frustrating when I'm trying to show the Playbook off to friends.
Speaking of the Playbook's camera, the camera does have a front and back camera which is great for video chat but not having a camera flash is really depressing.
The other thing that I feel is really a negative is the fact you can't send a picture through email or bluetooth. The only way I could figure out how to send a photo I snapped on the Playbook’s camera was to upload it to Facebook...go figure.
I do however love the adobe flash installed to view websites to the full capacity.
Last but not least (Blackberry Messenger) BBM. Its almost like having a Blackberry with a 7 inch screen. I love being able to BBM my friends straight from the Playbook. I call my Blackberry Bold2 a key, kind of like having a push to start engine. As long as the Key is in close range, I can use the Playbook as if it is actually my Blackberry Bold2...I love it.
If I could get the Torch and Playbook to combine forces with speed, adobe flash and voice capabilities, this new generation of blackberry devices would be stellar and second to none.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Happy 40th Birthday 2Pac...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The I.$.H. Presents...La Siesta: La Sexta Hora

It makes sense that after first making The Late Night Sessions and then In The Morning R&B Blends that The I.$.H. would have to do something for the middle of the day.
Enter The I.$.H. Presents...La Siesta: La Sexta Hora. A siesta is defined as a midday nap or break. I think it only seems right that The I.$.H. should finish out the series with an R&B Mix for the middle of the day.
La Siesta: La Sexta Hora is the perfect blend of R&B smooth joints that can take you through the middle of the day while keeping you motivated to accomplish your goals later on in the evening. Wait, who are we kidding, play this R&B treasure at your own risk.
La Siesta: La Sexta Hora. Use your lunch time wisely...
*s/n I re-uploaded both The Late Night Sessions and #InTheMorning for your listening pleasure.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Hater's Job Is Never Finished...

*sidenote: As a kid growing up, when I would do something wrong and started crying, before my mother would do anything else she would say "why are you crying, if you keep crying, I will give you something to cry about" meaning an old school disciplinary whooping. Believe me, I would shape up after that avoiding any further action from happening.
With that in mind, to this day I say if people are going to cry, speak or talk good or bad about you why not give them something to actually talk about.
For years, I have heard people say Beyonce can't sing and she's not talented and she is this and know, people "talking". Well, I don't know what you think about her, but this behind the scenes rehearsal video with no mic or sound effects should shut a few mouths for the time being.
I know, I know... people will still have something to say. Oh well, we should all take a lesson from Bey and keep it moving while not letting any hater stop progress.
s/o to for the video.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Khloe & Lamar Episode

It's interesting how the show portrayed Malika and Rob's type of "relationship". As I was photographing the event, from the outside looking in, it seemed as if everyone was just good friends and Rosa "may or may have not" made a move...hmmmm, I wonder?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
T-Pain - prEvolver (Mixtape)

I have been hearing a lot of hype about this mixtape. Now that its here, lets see what its all about.
prEvolver is the pre-mixtape to T-Pain's forthcoming album Revolver.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sade - Moon And The Sky (Remix) feat Jay-Z (Leak)

I believe we have truly found the secret to immortality and it is through art. The lasting impression that an artistic expression be it audible or visual can make something ultimately last forever.
The same goes for the classics masterpieces whether it be a painting, photograph or song can never be forgotten whether the piece be from a foreign land, present time, past or different culture.
Sade stands alone as the Queen of the most passionate, intricate blend of R&B, Jazz and Soul and her music speaks volumes to those hearts the songstress has touched.
Jay-Z, another King in his own right has rose to the top of a genre known to posess the power of persuasion through poetry set to music i.e. rap.
With the two of the powers combined the chemsitry is an immacualte twist of perfection.
I could pump this song up, but I would rather let the music speak for itself no cliche intened.
s/o to Jay-Z's new blog Life and Times for the link.
Sade - Moon And The Sky (Remix) Feat Jay-Z
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sade - Still In Love With You

Yes, the "40" that rap superstar Drake so often refers to who has produced such hits as Unthinkable, I'm Single, Successful and Fall For Your Type will produce a collaboration of epic proportions for Sade and Jay-Z!
All I can say is ...Whoa! In the mean time, her majesty has laced the people with one of four new songs to be featured on Sade's upcoming Ultimate Collection album entitled Still In Love With You.
Don't Thank me, Thank Them Later...
S/O to Complex Magazine and 2 Dope Boyz for the heads up!
Kelly Rowland - Motivation feat Lil Wayne (Official Video)
Regardless of what type of work needs to be done, I think we all need motivation at times, and its always even better to get motivation from a sexy, sultry songstress like Kelly Rowland. It doesn't hurt to add some help from the lyrical talents of Weezy F. Baby either.
This song Motivation can be taken a few ways, but I will leave the lyrical artistic interpretation up to the imagination. The end result is we should continuously be stimulated...I mean MOTIVATED to go get whatever it is we want to obtain in life.
I will leave the rest of the commentary for you all.
After viewing Kelly Rowland in this video, I'm suddenly grab a TALL glass of cold water to drink, its kind of hot in here.
Mary J. Blige - Someone To Love Me (Naked) feat Diddy & Lil Wayne (Official Video)
It's always a great feeling to get love from your peers, friends and family on all levels, I mean love is great right? Of course its great to get love from people that you don't know as well. Being admired from afar or close up is an excellent feeling to partake in.
At the end of the day when all the cheers and praise from random sources are long gone and you are alone with your thoughts, its even better to have someone to love you during this particular soul searching moment.
The truth is, everyone really wants and needs someone to love them for being the idividual they are and not just because of the accomplishments, social status, or what you may mean to the world on a superficial level but just being the pure individual inside.
To be honest, it's rare to find someone that loves you and your dirty laundry and its almost impossible to find someone that will love you flaws and all. That's why its important to realize these precious gems and cherish them.
On Looking For Someone To Love Me, Mary J. Blige proclaims that she has made mistkes and knows when the person that truly loves her comes along she won't have to ask because the LOVE will be sincere.
To all the people looking for love, don't settle and don't chase, because the real love will already be there waiting for YOU, before you wake up looking for it. and if the LOVE is not waiting for you first then its not real love.
I'll tell you what, I love "me" either way so I'm I.$.H.-Diddy Bopping all over the city if the DJ's play this song.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Album Of The Hour: Rolling Papers

The truth is that we as humans do this very thing, often. Whether its someone with tatoos, someone with a bald head, someone with dark skin, someone with blonde hair, someone with dreads or someone wearing less than appealing clothing, we all make pre-judgements based on previous experiences.
I am not excluded from this human flaw as I made a pre-judgement on what happens to be my favorite cd of the moment now. I have to admit, I was hesitant to listen to Wiz Khalifa's new cd Rolling Papers for numerous reasons.
For one, prior to hearing the album, I was not a fan and only liked ONE song of his "Never Been", a ride and chill type of song you can put on while cruising the streets around 9pm in summer time right after a hot day. I love songs like that. Come to find out that is the vibe of the entire album which appeals to me.
This album Rolling Papers is the type of album where the beats just flow and you can reflect on a hard day and enjoy the breezy summer night. (These days are quickly approaching by the way).
As an photographic artist myself working my way up the ladder of success, I can relate to songs on this album such as Top Floor, Rooftop, Star of The Show, When I'm Gone and Hopes and Dreams which dont talk about so much drinking and smoking but more of having a dream, working towards the dream and then the after affects of acheiving the goal at hand. I always can relate to anyone that works hard and parties hard, or else why are we here?
Old School, New School You Need To Learn Though...

Whether it be alternative, rock, pop, hip-hop, R&B or even spoken word, it always moves me to see new found talent find its way in a pool amongst a host of giants, superstars and Mega-Talented artists.
Since there is nothing new under the sun, it's interesting and spectacular how truly creative, gifted artists can still find a way to make their material new and fresh for the times.
When I think back to my pops, and my grandfather, I think about how each of our respective generations view the other generations music and to a certain extent we are at ends but we still appreciate certain aspects of it.
As I become the old head I do however have to wonder what's wrong with this new generation? When did it stop being COOL to be a veteran? It seems like that is all you hear now a days from youngsters wet behind the ears disregarding those that paved the way.
I would never discredit any person that came before me, but now it seems the "new school" gets a kick out of dissing anyone older than them. How can you diss"respect" someone that paved the way for you? Its okay to be competitive and think you are the best, but where does any new school person have the right to disrespect someone older.
For example, I am a photographer, a pretty damn good one at that, but why in the world would I disrespect world reknown, sensational photographers such as Annie Leibovitz or Gordon Parks to make a name for myself?
In the past, I recall Lil Wayne saying some remarks about Jay-Z and I wondered, "um, the audacity?" Now you have Lil B The Based God & Tyler the Creator, (who??? yeah I know) apparently taking shots a Kanye West?
Seriously, this new school mentality is insanity to me. Nasir Jones would never diss Rakim, Jay-Z would not take shots at Big Daddy Kane, and 2Pac nor BIG sure would come at Ice-T or Run DMC sideways just to make a name for themselves.
The respect has been earned by these legends and pioneers of the game and should definitely be given that due respect. This respect should be given especially since these artists successfully performed in an era completely different from today's Internet based industry driven by greed more say than passion and the love of the art.
To be clear, I'm not knocking any new school artist grinding and doing their thing, but let's be honest, these new cats have a long way to go before they can box with the throne. To these new guys trying to make a name for them selves, the solution is simple. Stop talking down on pioneers that did it better and longer than you, just make great music for the next 20 years and then after that, make your comments accordingly.
Art Vs Commerce: A Never Ending Battle

Both my opinion and experience have led me to believe if one really wants to make a successful living as an artist, one has to do all sorts of opposing things that constitutes what it means to be an artist. If you personally did anything at first because you absolutely loved doing it, once money came into play, it was no longer love but now considered work because the dynamic changed.
A quick example would be if you loved to photograph Eagles soaring in the sky and then someone came to you and said, "Hey, you can make a lot of money taking photographs, but you have to stop "photographing" eagles and start doing videography with turtles and puppies playing in mud instead." You'd be like, "What the hell, that's not what I like doing at all."
Although some people might jump at the opportunity, others would view it as selling out and going against their principles. In hindsight, the individual is still technically "shooting" yes, but not really because in reality he/she is no longer "photographing" and the subjects aren't "Eagles in the sky" so in the end, he/she still is really compromising his/her passion.
To elaborate in depth, I'll start with this site. Apparently, in order for to be able to compete in the world of "websites", I have to post early and often certain content or material that I was taught in journalism school to steer clear from: Fluff and flash and trash. (i.e. Not "real news" or stories of substance.)
By "real news" I don't mean JUST hardcore journalistic, Brian Williams "news" either. I mean any type of stimulating story that initiates and provokes analytical thought whether it be about mostly entertainment (my forte)or sports, politics and world events as well.
I will say quite frankly, I don't care about Kim Kardashian going to the movies! For whatever reason that continously makes front page news. I really don't care about Paris Hilton's dog wearing a matching pearl necklace to take a walk in Central Park. Coincidentally, that would make the back page.
And seriously, this sort of "story" seems to be ALL that you will see on these sites garnering millions of views (The Fluff). Now if Kim Kardashian started an anti-war, energy company that could make the world better or help terminally ill children foresee their dreams before its too late, then that would be a different story, and I would love to post stories with that particular type of content.
For the record, I have nothing against Kim K or Paris, but (S$D) is website dedicated to those people seeking motivation to succeed and follow through with their dreams ALL while also calling out the bluff and Bologna factor striving artists commonly encounter while searching for the path to greatness.
So how and why should have to compete with sites that focus solely on posting fluffy, sensationalized content that doesn't provoke thought in order to be considered a truly "successful" website.
How does Kim K going to the movies, dating a new Basketball player or Paris Hilton being seen with pink shoes on help any of us become better artists/photographers/models/singers/entrepreneurs or the next great thing?
I personally have not been motivated to post ANY content because of that competitive edge that has literally been stripped from under me if I don't compromise and conform to what the other websites post. Not to mention the fact that most of the headline titles these sites use are misleading and just used to gain views which is more propaganda for commercial gain as opposed to true and meaningful, artistic value.
Since this site is stopsellingdreams, I do have to be completely honest, until a million dollar check comes in to dictate the new direction of this website, (which like I stated earlier, commerce always dictates art) I will continue to post MY thoughts as I see them when I feel like posting them.
To sum it up, always remember to just keep it honest with yo'self and everything else will follow and fall into place. These are just my thoughts... And thanks for your support!