I think I have been going about this all wrong. I used to say if you have money, you can get out of any kind of sticky situation you get your self in. But that statement has to be fictitious hence, Lil Wayne, T.I. and Michael Vick all doing at least a year bid in the big house.
After some light research, it seems that only
certain situations determine a negative outlook on the public view of celebrities. i.e. if you are a CERTAIN celebrity with money you can get out of any situation you get yourself in.
For instance, if a certain celebrity does "this type of crime" then that's okay, but if that celebrity does "THAT type of crime" its horrific and you are the earth's scum.
Besides the obvious heinous crimes like killing, cheating, stealing etc., the ironic part to this is an on going phenomenon: who really determines what crime is actually considered horrific?
Hmmm...it also seems that having money may tend to help a little but does not determine the overall image of particular celebrity.
Maybe its based on HOW MUCH more money a celebrity has amongst her/his celebrity peers and how much that particular crowd liked the celebrity before the downfall?
My point is society chooses who they want to play the bad guy for the time being.
(Its kind of like professional wrestling, when the star wants to play the heel and the heel wants to play the fan favorite for a while until they switch sides!)
Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but I'm saying celebrities almost have the ability and power to choose which side they want to be on. Almost.
Obviously, these rules don't apply to regular people like "us" because if "we" did
any of these crimes that the celebrities did, we would probably end up being under the jail so I am definitely not comparing us to them.
Let's at least state the facts. Lindsay
Lohan is a talented, successful actress who grew up in front of our very eyes. She's adorable, she can't do any wrong. Can she? Well, just like most celebrities, Lindsay
Lohan is also a troubled person with repeated run ins with the law.
I know everyone deserves a second chance, but it is what you do with your second chance that determines your true character.
Before I get any deeper, I have a few questions to ask. First, how did Lindsay get out of her jail time early? Then, how did she get out of rehab early?
And how did she get her license back so soon after getting a DUI and alluding the DUI and court situation for nearly three years? And last but not least, why after all the drama is she once again "tweeting" that she's driving while
Say what you will, certain stars are more privileged than others. And society determines the the true outcome of how celebrities will fair in the public eye.
I on the other hand am not a judge, but a journalist stating facts and raising awareness through photograph documentation.
All I can say is, every single person INCLUDING ME, has to learn his/her lesson on his/her own terms, in his/her pace and in his/her own specific circumstances.
I always equate learning a lesson to the first time your parents told you not to touch that hot pot on the stove and you touched it anyway only to learn the hard way that, yes... it was hot.
Sometimes that pot tends to be a little hotter for some than others.
I know I will probably get stoned by some, but this site is dedicated to erasing the hype and uncovering the truth so this is my last question to raise awareness:
Why is it okay for Lindsay
Lohan to continuously mock the law by writing F#@# YOU on her fingernails while in court, drinking and driving,
texting while driving and all kinds of things that could potentially endanger
HUMAN lives and no one say anything negative, but Michael Vick, who funded an underground
DOG Fighting ring, PAID his debt to society with fines, classes and jail time, is still considered a
nuisance and frowned upon in society?
Like I said,
I'm not judging either person, they both did crimes, and I'm definitely not sayin one is worse than the other, I am merely asking questions to raise awareness. And anyway, I know there are way more important things going on in the world but I did have to ask...
Stop Selling Dreams...