First off I want to say, everyone needs a David Letterman CBS Nurse! HA! Seriously, Love him or hate him, President Obama is on to something with trying to change how the health care system is setup. I know that some people fear change, but on the same hand the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over while trying to achieve a different outcome.
Obviously the majority of the country either doesn't have health care or pays out of the wazoo for it and if we continue to do the same things hoping to change health care, there won't be any health care affordable enough for any of us to have. Check out what Obama has to say about fixing health care for Americans. I don't know if you agree with Obama or not but SOMETHING needs to change or the country will go "insane" literally, with no affordable way to be treated.
(sidenote when I was in college, I wanted to be the next David Letterman, NOW I know why...interviewing the president is the epitome of being a talkshow host! Funny how times do change, now I just want to photograph him with an interview included in the photosession!)
Photo by: Doug Mills/The New York Times
Video Courtesy of www.WorldStarHipHop.com
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