Fame, fortune, Hollywood lights, and all the other things that make the "limelight" glamorous are the exact same things that turn into more problems, more stress and sometimes suicide (I know suicide may be a little dramatic but Hollywood has surely seen its share of celebs untimely demise due to the overwhelming pressure associated with fame).
Point blank, some people are not cut out for the fame and fortune especially at an early age, and although certain artist's "Genius and or talent" needs to be exposed to the world, the person on the inside may not be able to handle the pressure.
Everyday there is some new talent breaking their neck to get to the top only to find out its lonely up there. My whole purpose for this website was to find out if the life I chase is worth it? I mean who doesn't want to be successful, but at what cost does that Life come with?
I hear celebrities talking about they would trade all the fame, fortune and lifestyle for something they had before the fame. I myself, am at a crossroad, because I am on a quest to find that mountain top, but as I am searching for this treasure, I wonder is it worth it?
Is this journey to the top of the world worth all of the pain and anguish that you have to endure before, while and after climbing the ladder of success. If you were a regular Joe would you go through the same detrimental, life changing episodes?
I think about Kanye loosing his mother, T.I. loosing big Phil, Eminem losing Proof, and Jay-Z losing his nephew. All of these celebrities had fame, fortune etc but in living the life, they dealt with the shortcomings of fame by the money bringing more problems then they had before.
To break it down, I am saying, if they didn't have this "money", they wouldn't have bought lavish cars, expensive surgerys and have to worry about jealous and envious people trying to rob them of their "worth". Would they still have the lifelong family members had they not made it to the top. It sounds hard to do but these are things to think about, but not dwell on, because really all of those things could happen without having loads of money.
Without getting too deep, Drake has a new video featuring Eminem, Kanye and lil Wayne entitled Forever. Drake being a newcomer raps about wanting the "life" forever, while Kanye, a veteran in the industry says, I have this fame and you can have it back. Hmmmm, I wonder...