I don't know about you, but days like this make me want to go be great.
The reason being so you can have an actual stamp that documents the day you did something positive.
The good thing about this date is, anyone with big dreams usually tends to see Beverly Hills in their future some type of way so its a great way to relate your trials and tribulations with your success.
Whether it is to live in the infamous zip code or at least be able to shop on Rodeo Drive with no worries.
I think we should all use this day as a motivational tool to do something bigger than the usual routine.
Or to dig deeper, use this day as the official day you started your path to greatness and once you achieve success you can look back and say, I consciously started my path on 9-02-10!
After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same things repeatedly expecting different results. So go do something out of the ordinary and make sure you reach for greatness while you do it!
Just like Drake raps in his song Greatness, "I dream big, no false hope."

Stop Selling Dreams, and Live Your Dreams!
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