Apparently the new commercial for Lane Bryant was deemed to sexy for TV so the TV executives banned it from network television. I find that odd especially when Kim Kardashian can "sexify" a Carl's Jr. Salad and Audrina Patridge can basically make love to a burger on the beach in their own respective commercials with no problems.
Don't get me wrong, I am always cool with beautiful women selling products, but honestly with all the material we are desensitized by and exposed to daily, how can the networks even consider deeming this particular commercial too sexy over any of the others.
Wait, is it because this model in the commercial doesn't have a "name" like Kim Kardashian, Audrina Patridge or the "GO DADDY Model"? Money does talk over everthing so getting a celebrity to be the spokesperson can change things.
However, I will say the Lane Bryant model is wearing the exact same article of clothing Kim and Audrina wore, basic lingerie or a bikini (phsssish i.e. Bra and Panties) on TV.
Its ironic how the Lane Bryant ad gets the boot while the others stay in continuous rotation.
I actually am kind of ticked off about this because after all this time, it STILL shows how the "people in power" choose what is "acceptable" as well as use another way to control and determine the definition of Beauty.
I think I know the real reason they chose not to show the ad. I don't think it has anything to do with it being too sexy or the fact that she's not a celebrity wearing lingerie on television.
Lane Bryant is a store for plus-sized women, most with curves and I believe the networks REALLY tried to hide the sexy side of a curvy woman, as in saying curvy women can't be sexy or curvy women SHOULDN'T be sexy.
Every woman is sexy in her own way. And for the networks to shut this down by saying its too sexy when its on the same lines as the other ads is just a travesty.
*sidenote... I think curvy women are sexy and the fact that she has that blackberry curve is even more of an attraction.. Ha! Curvy business women are all right in my book.
Either way see for yourself and tell me your thoughts.
The funny thing is that this commercial is getting more exposure now that its been banned then it probably would have if it would have ran its original TV course. Way to go network television. #Fail again for TV. Winner for Internet! ha...
and you know what I say... #teamblackberry baby!