In the 90's (i.e. the golden era of Urban Music) I think we can all agree Steve Urkel was a nerd. He was so smart but had no social skills and was not accepted by his peers.
Steve's genius was such that, he eventually figured out a way to tweak his own DNA to create Stephan Urkel, the exact opposite, charming, sophisticated self that ladies loved and fellas respected.
As I look at my life, I realize I am getting older because I am beginning to view today's younger generation the same way my father viewed my generation and my grandfather viewded my father's generation: Dazed And Confused.
The truth is eventually we all have to grow up live our own lives not for someone else but for ourselves.
At one point in my youth I looked like Steve, Glasses, Braces and everything by society's standards to be a nerd. Of course It didn't help I was smart and in advanced classes.
I remember trying to keep up with the Jones' one time only to learn a simple lesson: never again. I'm Ivan S. Harris The ISH.
As I look now, 15 years later, I want to tell everyone to be themselves, because you never know if someones gonna copy your style 15 years later.
Be You.