There are certain artists that don't get as much promotion because of "big business" determining what the difference between good music is and what generates large revenue.
Honestly, if you promote anything well enough, eventually it will be revered as good, so I refuse to believe the only content in music that sells in Hip-Hop would be that of a negative background.
*sidenote. We all know that big business controls the world and the truth can possibly be blindsided by what will actually bring in more revenue.
Hence, the Lakers winning back to back titles in the NBA Finals championship of course in 7 games AGAINST the long time rival Boston CELTICS. You already know people will tune into the NBA next year to see a possible rematch...
...The New England Patriots football team winning the Superbowl the same year the terrorists attacked the twin towers and AMERICA in 2001 would make more people pay attention to the NFL...
...And by former President Bush going to war in Iraq even though the war was against Bin Laden and Afghanistan, I really always wondered was that war really about the control of Oil and NOT protection from terrorists? Hmmmm, coincidence??
Obviously, I have no proof of any of this, but my point is big business will always play precedent over perhaps what could be considered as the truth.
Without going to deep, I want to just bring awareness to a certain hip-hop artist and album that may be one of the greatest works of HIP-hop art of all time.
Of course it won't get the same recognition as most mainstream hip-hop artists because big business and rap executives will glorify rap in the way that "sells" by artists talking about all the negative aspects of life.
I know that life is up and down, I just want to challenge people to look for both sides and not just accept what is put in front of you, which is that all hip-hop is negative which is completely not true.
Chicago Hip-Hop artist/actor Common has an album called Be in his archive that to me is remarkably one of the greatest hip-hop albums and its NOT full of KILL EM, SHOOT EM, SELL DRUGS AND WOMEN ARE B'S AND O'S...
Just make sure you check all avenues before you accept something as is. There may be something underlying that you completely miss. Do what your mom used to tell you and don't judge a book by its cover.